The North American Matting Association

The North American Matting Association offers five membership types.

Producer Member

A Producer Member is a company that manufactures and/or assembles Matting products in North America.

Supplier Member

Supplier Member is a company, other than a Producer Member, that provides, installs or services Matting products to be used in North America and includes intermediaries in the supply chain such as wholesalers, distributors, brokers and leasing/servicing businesses.

Specifier Member

Specifier Member is a company, other than a Producer Member or Supplier Member, that designs installations for, provides engineering of, specifies or recommends Matting products and/or performance criteria for Matting products to be used in North America and includes engineering firms, inspection agents and procurement services.

User Member

User Member is a company that employs Matting products, Matting services and/or related Matting design and engineering as part of its larger operations either for incidental needs, specific projects, or as an ongoing resource. Examples of such “end-users” would be construction, utility, oil and gas extraction, mining, infrastructure, general contractors and industrial companies where Matting and related services are not the primary business activity

General Interest Member

General Interest Member is one of the following: a government agency (as, for example a user, or a regulatory or statistical agency); an educational institution (as, for example, a user, or an educational or research institution); or a company not falling within one of the other member categories, or an individual not affiliated with a company falling within 3 one of the other member categories, who or which has an interest in the products and activities of the Matting industry, such as a supplier of raw materials, or transportation, recycling or other waste management services. General Interest Members do not have any voting rights nor eligibility to be a board member.

“NAMA is providing the essential standardization ingredient to one of the most important infrastructure segments. This is a great venue to help our industry forward to greater safety and value for users.”
Jeff Atkin - CEO
World Forest Group